dylan was
asked to do a couple things (repeatedly) last evening and this morning before the rest of the family went on their merry way. well, guess what? yep, you guessed it, things were far from done when i got home from work. i was already in a terrible mood having taken
route 22 home -- aside from waiting in traffic through the
macungie detour.
anyhoo, on top of the few things dylan was asked to do prior to leaving the house today, he also left a lovely
pile of change on the dining room table (
finders, keepers). hey, some of it's even wrapped already ... b-o-n-u-s!
just to be completely thorough, the dishes are done is when the sink and dishwasher is dish-free, the sink is scoured and can be walked by without vomiting. unlike the following:
also, the floors in the house should not have dog hair tumbleweeds. we have a
broom, vacuum cleaner and
roomba to aid in the elimination of zoe's hair ... pick your poison.
dylan's sock ... what a stellar place for this! right in the middle of the hallway floor. looks great there!
i am amazed how much wash this family goes through. what you are about to witness is mt. washmore located in scenic hallway de binkleyville - truly a miracle. imagine how much taller mt. washmore would become adding the piles of wash found in bedrooms throughout the home! mind blowing, i know. yeppers, dyl was supposed to have relocated mt. washmore to basementtown de binkleyville, but apparently, the humongous, overflowing pile of laundry was somehow overlooked today and postponed to some other time that fits into dylan's busy schedule of playing computer games on the internet and wrapping coins.

it has come to our attention that the residents of binkleyville are in dire need of proper linen cupboard organization. lessons on proper towel folding (including bath towels, wash clothes and hand towels) and proper organization will be held in a location to be later determined in binkleyville in the evening of june 23, 2011. stay tuned for specific time and exact location! for those not able to attend, a full tutorial will be posted.
a common feature of dylan's room is how padded the carpets are in some areas. the strategic placement of his dirty clothes adds just the right amount of teenagerness to the decor. i think we have an interior decorator here!
i've saved the best for last - the trash. nothing says "welcome home" like walking into the kitchen through the garage door like a big whiff of delicious garbage stuffed into the trash can! hmmm, hmmm, good. hey, at least the dog didn't get at it today and leave the entire contents of the trash can spread throughout the living room and kitchen.
another view of our collection of disposables is found outside awaiting the day it gets to travel off in the sunset with clifford hill. doesn't the trash compliment the weeping cherry tree?
we thought the garbage looked so great on the right side of the garage that we added more on the left. eventually, the trash will no longer exist in either location, so be sure to catch a view while you can! don't worry, after the trash is gone, a beautiful area where the grass has been choked out for all of us to enjoy for weeks to come will take it's place!
dyl called a lil after i got home from work. dunno if he was responding to my text, facebook post of previous blog or some other txt/chat/email/phone call/facebook post asking that he do so. so lemme get this straight ... he put the towels away and fed the dog and that was all that was asked of him before he left. hmmmm ... i beg to differ. sorry, all i could do was hang up.